WordPress Plugin for Affiliate Sales Tracking

peer-wandiger“Thanks to Affiliate Power it’s possible to find out quickly, which program is working. You don’t even have to leave your WordPress-Site […] Apart from the limitation that the plugin is for WordPress only, the free basic version already offers heaps of valuable features for affiliates.”
– Peer Wandiger, selbstaendig-im-netz.de


Affiliate Marketing should be easy and effective!

As an affiliate you may know this: To get an overview over your sales, you have to login into x different networks which all have different backends and statistics.

To compare the statistics, you have to export everything, paste it into Excel, convert it etc. You really have better things to do with your time.

That’s what I thought as well and that’s why I made the WordPress Plugin Affiliate Power.

Affiliate Power WordPress Plugin Sales

Get an overview of your sales in different affiliate networks.

Affiliate Power WordPress Plugin Statistics

Use the statistics to find out where the money comes from.

Affiliate Power WordPress Plugin Detail Statistics

Optimize your site systematically thanks to extensive detailed statistical data.

Affiliate Power automatically downloads your sales from the various affiliate networks. That give you up to date income reviews and statistics right in your WordPress backend. The basic version is absolutely free. The premium version actually tracks which post has brought the sale, how the visitors came to your site, which device they used and more.

The plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress Plugin Manager or from the official Plug-in Directory at wordpress.org.


Features of the WordPress Plugin

Features, which only exist in the premium version are emphasized.

  • Supported Networks: adcell, awin, belboon, commission junction, digistore24, financeads, tradedoubler
  • Filter your import per website
  • Overview over all sales
  • Automatic daily infomail on new or changed sales
  • Export all sales as Excel-CSV
  • Track income per Posts, Pages, Referer, Keywords URL-parameters like utm_campaign, and device (mobile or desktop)
  • Detailed statistics over any period with income per partner, networks, days, weeks, months, posts, landing pages, referer, URL-parameters, and devices



Is Affiliate Power for free?

There are two versions of Affiliate Power. The basic version is and will remain completely free. The premium version costs are small monthly fee.

Is setting up Affiliate Power complicated?

No, not at all. You can either install it directly through the Plugin Manager or download it here on the Affiliate Power site. After activation you’ll find a new “Affiliate Power” menu in the admin area.

Just enter your affiliate network data under “Settings” and the plug in jumps into action. What data is required and exactly where to find it is explained in the settings click by click.

Is my data safe?

Affiliate revenue and access to affiliate networks is sensitive data to which no one else will have access. Your income data is stored only in your WordPress database.

Special API keys, not normal passwords, are used for access. You can not access the account with the keys; you only retrieve data from the account. These keys are, of course, stored in your WordPress database and used exclusively for access to the networks.

The basic plugin version doesn’t send any data back to me. The premium version sends only the license key information and the domain page to my server so they can be checked.

Are additional networks planned?

The APIs of affiliate networks are constantly changing and it’s a lot of work to keep them up to date. For this reason, I will only add new networks that reached a significant market share.

Why is Amazon missing

Amazon doesn’t offer an API to download sales, so it’s not possible to add Amazon for technical reasons.

Will the Plugin continue to be developed?

Yes, Affiliate Power is continually evolving. I use the plug in myself for my web pages and keep it up to date for that reason.

What about my old Sales?

During the first import, the sales of the past 100 days will be imported and statistics over the partners, networks, etc. will be created for you. If you buy the premium version, the income per article, referer, campaign, device etc. can only be determined for sales after the purchase of the premium version.

Is the sales data on the plugin up to date?

The plugin automatically downloads the sales once a day. You can, however, manually download the latest sales figures at any time. This data is the live data from the networks.

Can I use the plugin with its own subId tracking?

The basic version of the plugin doesn’t use any subIds and can be used without further consideration. The premium version uses subIds to determine the additional metrics and can’t be used with your own subId tracking. However, in the vast majority of cases the data from Affiliate Power is much more valuable than the data from existing subIds.

Does the plug in work with link cloakers like Pretty Link?

Pretty Link is officially compatible with Affiliate Power. As for other link cloakers, depending on their inner functionality, it’s possible that only the features of the basic version are working. If you want to use Affiliate Power Premium with a different link cloaker, send me a message and I’ll let you if it’s compatible.

Does the plug in work with Custom Post Types?

Yes, Custom Post Types are determined the same way as normal articles. If you are using custom post types with Pretty Link, you need only to select “template redirect” in the Pretty Link settings.


With more than 21.000 downloads, Affiliate Power gets more and more popular. Here are some opinions from users of the plugin:

tobias-kolb“I particularly recommend Affiliate Power to every new blogger who would like a taste of affiliate marketing. I have so far had no compilation errors when comparing networks. Even the basic version offers a lot of information and very quick and simple monitoring of my own revenues. “
– Tobias Kolb, paid4blog.de

maik-oliver-towet“”With the Affiliate Power plugin I have a total overview of my active programs instantly. The easy integration and user friendly menu navigation made my introduction to Affiliate Power really easy. The tiresome logging in to Affiliate pages is just about completely eliminated. I recommend Affiliate Power without hesitation.”
– Maik-Oliver Towet, mykreuzfahrt.de

jannik-degner“The WordPress Affiliate Power plugin gives me a detailed overview of my income in major affiliate networks. With this extension, the bothersome switching between different platforms has an end because all it now takes is a single click in the WordPress backend. An absolute recommendation on my part: Affiliate Power is a must for every publisher!”
– Jannik Degner, allnetflats-in-deutschland.de



17 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin for Affiliate Sales Tracking
  1. Hello!

    I’ve just discovered this amazing plugin (Pro version is great) which does exactly what I would need… but unfortunately I see it doesn’t support Webgains. Is there any chance for it to be included in the future?

    I would also like to know the basics of how this works… does it download the reports from the networks or connect to them directly in any way? Because last time I researched, lots of networks didn’t have an API for the sales data.

    Anyway, awesome plugin… hope we can start using it as soon as possible.


  2. Hi Jacobo,

    sorry for the late response. Webgains is on the feature list and will be supported in future versions. I’ll let you know when I release it.

    Most networks offer an API or a CSV / XML download of the sales, which I’m using. With Amazon, I have to login using HTTP requests to download the sales XML.

    What exactly do you want to control with subids? The plugin uses subids to determine page, referer etc. of the sale. So you should not use your own ones. If you definitely need your own subids you can deactivate the tracking in the plugin options.


  3. Hi Nico,

    sorry, your comment was stuck in the spam filter. Tradetracker is planned for the future.


  4. Hi Scott,

    I’m not entirely sure about your sales process but it looks like the whole process takes place on your site. Affiliate Power is a plugin for affiliate marketers. It can track the sales your visitors makes on another site. So I don’t think it’s the plugin you are looking for.

    Actually, the tracking will be a lot easier if the whole process takes place on your site, but I don’t know if there are specific plugins for that.


  5. Hi Jonas

    In installed the free version of your plugin to evaluate a possible purchase. Unfortunately, no data is downloaded despite using the correct Affilinet account number and PublisherWebservice-Password. Are you aware of any issues?

    Kind regards,

  6. Hi Jonas
    Can you submit an updated list of which networks are supported and which are planned to be implemented and preferrably when ?
    If a network is not supported, is it then possible to import statistics manually to your plugin to have data from all my networks in one system ?
    Br, Jacob

  7. Hi Jacob,

    thanks you for comment. The list on this page is up to date. I will not implement new networks in the near future, since I’M currently focussing on other projects.

    There is no import function. The ways how networks handle sales are to different to have a reliable function like this.


  8. Hi Jonas,

    I have installed your plugin (free version) and it seems like the integration to TradeTracker does not work properly. It changes the currency from DKK to EUR and it does not import the SubID’s from TradeTracker !

    Best regards,

  9. Hi Jacob, the plugin currently only supports EUR. It uses the SubIds to track the post (and in the pro version the source etc.) Therefore, you can’t use your own subids along with the plugin on most networks. I hope that helps.

  10. Hi Jonas,
    Thanks for feedback. Where can I find the database in the WP installation ?
    Br, Jacob

  11. Hi Jacob, you can find the database in the login area of your hosting provider. Where exactly depends on the provider. If you can’t find it, contact your provider. Make sure, that you know what you are doing in the database ;)

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